
‘To spend time with each other, to talk, to be heard, to feel engaged. If you are an independent person who does not want to engage with the outer world, that's also okay. But I believe a majority of the people do need that sense of community, so you feel seen, valued, and heard.’

[When shooting a memory surfaced.

It comes back often.


A late summer afternoon - during a brief trip home - first time in years.


I, in the car with Mum and Dad, from the back, gaze out. Passing the bank of our lake is my favourite part of the journey home whenever we take this route. Mum put on her music - a list of songs we are exceedingly familiar with.


They hum softly. Still affixed to the unfolding lake, my heart’s singing merges with theirs.

My future is hands gripped tightly - moments like these never trickling through my fingers.]


Shelley is a dedicated arts-worker and photographer who finds passion in creative storytelling. Beyond working as the communications & design coordinator at Linden New Art, she revels in cinema, gigs, bakeries, and outdoor walks. Shelley's ongoing photographic project, Unknown Solitariness, is a visual coalescence of human and non-human aloneness. 



