
‘It's very important meeting people with different cultural backgrounds and different characteristics. It’s (important to gain) more understanding and empathy for each other. It's about living together and being more open minded. I think it's very important.’

My perspective of "TODAY/TOMORROW" is about living your everyday life like you are going to die tomorrow. It might be only once in which I could spend my time and emerge myself to the community in the new place with nobody I have known before. This roll of my photography presents an invaluable aspect in my memory which takes a huge part to be me in the better version tomorrow. The set of my photography represents the order visually in the confusing surrounding. It is my perception including some of the Thai people's mutual view in which I explored and learnt during the time I spent in this place.

Jeen Lawsuriyont is a graduate communication design student and freelance art teacher based in Bangkok. She lived in Australia and studied English for six months during which time she combined her passion for art and design with photography.



